Jl. Kelapa Hijau - Bukit Indah Sukajadi - Batam 29642

  SVD Batam SOVERDIA (Awam SVD) Pelayanan Kitab Suci Pelayananan Internasional Liturgi dan Devosi Tirta Wacana  
  International Ministry
Jalankanlah tugasmu dan berusahalah untuk mencari dan memenuhi kehendak Tuhan, tetapi janganlah kaubiarkan dirimu dihalangi oleh gosip murahan (St. Arnoldus Janssen)
Kita mengambil bagian dalam tugas hidup dan perutusan Yesus Kristus, yang menghampakan diriNya dan menjadi seorang hamba, taat sampai mati, bahkan sampai mati di salib (lih. Fil 2:7-8). Kita yakin, bahwa karya apostolis kita mendapat berkat dari Allah bukan hanya dalam gembiraan dan keberhasilan, melainkan juga dalam kesukaran dan kekecewaan. (Konstitusi SVD 121)

Praise and Worship

DO YOU WANT TO FIND AN INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUAL ATMOSPHERE IN BATAM? There is no need to across the straight to Singapore to find such that amazing experience. Just drive or hire a taxi to Bukit Indah Sukajadi, Batam. Behind the Kepri Mall, at the foothill of wild life reservoir, at the edge of a green golf course, you will find a small church in Javanese architecture, called Bible Centre. This church is owned and run by missionaries of the Society of the Divine Word (Societas Verbi Divini). For years the international atmosphere has existed and enriched the church life in Batam. People from many different nations, mainly Filipinos, Indians, Singaporean, Vietnamese, Chinese, European, or local Indonesians, are mixed together.

Every Sunday, 10.00 am, English Mass takes place in this compound. Eventually it is not the only English Mass in Batam, but very well known among expatriates and foreign visitors and sailors. Coordinated and performed by mostly Filipinos, this Sunday Worship proves to be very dynamic and alive due to its vibrant music. The variety of nationalities is also an enriching element within this community. Once in a while, some distinctive music of India, Korea, Mandarin or Vietnamese colour the liturgy. Many Indonesian also contribute to the beauty of the liturgy with many different services, such as lectors, commentators, psalmists, ushers, usherettes, musicians, etc.

The ministry of praise and worship covers all liturgical celebrations. Its network consists of music ambassadors and voice ensemble, sacristan, decorators, etc. All elements of the congregation contribute to the celebration in such a way that may lead people to experience the loving presence of the Lord. In special occasions, such as Holy Week, all liturgies are specially designed to adopt the principal guide line by the Universal Church and community practices that are based on different traditions of different nations. The primary goal is to create an atmosphere of brotherhood that bridges many differences. Probably the notion of living the harmony of unity in diversity is very much alive in this community. Isn't it eventually the reason why Jesus gave his life to the salvation of human races, so they are able to live in harmony?

International link


While Indonesian Catholic community is very much influenced by the variety of local cultures, the international community is also very much influenced by the variety of international cultures. For instance, prior to Easter Sunday Mass, there is a procession that pictures the meeting of the risen Jesus and the grieving mother. It is eventually Filipino practice that is based on the ancient Spanish tradition. There is no such official liturgy in that form, yet its presence makes the celebration of Easter Sunday in Bible Centre is unique and colourful. In the future, we hope to adopt more international traditions from other customs.

If you are interested or want to find more, just make your way to the Bukit Indah Sukajadi residential area, close to the Kepri Mall. It might give you an opportunity to enrich your spiritual development and encourage you to help other people to find Jesus.


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